Loan trading
Octaura’s industry-led electronic market trading, data, and analytics solution for loans can be used to grow trading volumes, increase liquidity and provide greater insight into the asset class, providing significant benefits to the buyside, sellside and borrowers.
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What can our loan platform do for you?
Octaura enables market participants to:
See the market, organized in one-place, updated in real-time
Trade your way with protocols that allow you to engage a single dealer (bilateral) or multiple dealers (RFQ), and distribute lists (BWICs, OWICs and mixed multi-name exercises)
Make more informed decisions with robust financial intelligence and analytical tools like liquidity scores and evaluated pricing
Transact through electronic transfers to reduce manual risk and save time

Building a warehouse, executing a print and sprint, liquidating a portfolio – these exercises require executing many trades in a short period of time with price precision.
- Leverage pre-trade information with real-time insight into best bid and offer pricing
- Execute at the best price by putting the market in competition across multiple line items, with just a few clicks
Mutual fund, SMA & ETF managers frequently see inflows & outflows of varying sizes – need to manage those flows while maintaining the same weightings for each name? Executing a long list of trades can be cumbersome and time consuming, but not on Octaura.
- Quickly address your fund flows with the list trading protocol – buying, selling or both
- Execute at the best price by putting the market in competition across multiple line items, with just a few clicks
- Manage settlement time by sending a list to a single dealer of your choice
Finding it hard to get attention on odd lot trades? Executing small trades on a single-name basis or on a list is easy on Octaura. Don’t let this part of your day distract from your main trading objectives.
- Direct your inquiry to the agent or put the market in competition
Swaps and optimizations require simultaneous execution of multiple trades. Don’t miss one trade while you’re executing another. Do them at the same time on Octaura.
- Execute a mixed list of buys and sells to efficiently maintain your portfolio
- Use Octaura to help you optimize your portfolio by filtering and sorting the market by specific characteristics without having to engage a dealer to do the work for you
Is price the driving factor of your trade?
- Put the street into competition on a single name or in a list
- When the market competes, pricing gets better
Need to execute a lot of trades simultaneously? Want to choose your counterparty to expedite the efficiency of settlement?
- Execute many trades faster than you can over chat or voice – BWICs & OWICs often take hours and executing one by one in a fast-moving market can be inefficient
- It’s easy to direct your trading flow to the dealer or dealers of your choice on Octaura